Jul 28, 2011

LookBook Unveiled

Whoop,whoop...A pretty little package came in the mail the other day! Miss Jacinta has been hard at work adding her magic touch to these pretty little snaps, and finally they are ready for the unveiling! We are just thrilled at how these pictures turned out, and we must say for our first Look Book they don't look so bad, they truly deserved a cheeky little dance and a glass of bubbly. But we couldn't have managed all on our own, many thanks to you lovely ladies, you know who you are! Sending you some major love.

Sheer Goodness

Seeing Red

Blue Me Away

Black Feathers

Lady Lace

Beige Tones

Little Drummer Boy

Pretty as Punch


Who wears the pants?

Gothic Goddess

Black Studs

Ice Queen

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