Feb 14, 2011


Throughout history, valentines day has been celebrated and remembered as a day of romance, roses and a box of chocolates and unless you are buying them for yourself, the single ladies of the world are left either ignoring the day or drowning in a bucket of ice cream.This must end. Valentines Day is a beautiful day and should be celebrated by everyone: couples and singles.Valentines Day is not black and white, it has shades of red and it represents more than just the love between two people, it represents a love of life.To all the people out there who claim that it is just a commercial day  and it's sole purpose is to increase consumerism…lighten up.Expensive gifts aren’t the only way to show your number 1 that they are loved. An authentic arts and craft job always goes down a treat and nothing can beat a plain old I love you. It’s an oldie but a goody.

Every girl no matter how much she tries to deny it, loves a gift and a little romance no matter how big or small. For us girls, we mean it when we say it’s the thought that counts.To our singles… being depressed over a lost love is so last year. I know it’s hard to hear, but  there is no reason to be blue about being single! Not only is the colour very last season, but you just gotta look at the overwhelming pros.

♥  You’re young

♥ You’re smoking hot

♥ You are no longer wasting your time with the guy who wasn’t for you, Mr Right finally has the green light

So Get the gals together, take out that sassy GFV dress, whip out the false lashes and step out for a night on the town. You never know which sexy single is strolling round the corner! Though its true that Valentines Day should be everyday, the bottom line is its not. We are only human and we forget to tell those we love just how much we care.

So come one, come all. GFV is imploring all of you to celebrate a love of food, passion, friends and fun.

Have a great day lovers


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